So, lots of you have asked about how to set your goal when you have TONS of things you need to get done/want to achieve AND you are already super busy.
Like this:
“I work in Direct Sales with a company. I need to gain promotion:I need to increase my sales and I need to recruit fresh blood into the team! I also need to lose 4 stone in weight. And I need to move house. I am mum to two children with mental and cognitive issues so I’m juggling a lot and get quite distracted. Help! don’t know where to start with setting a 100 Day Goal.”
“I don’t know what my goal is. I just started a soap business, I need to do so much on it. I also work as a Personal Trainer and I’m studying pilates. I have a lot of things on but don’t know how to turn this into a 100 Day Goal”

How I do it
As a rule of thumb I use the 100 Day Goal to get something done that either:
1. I want to do, but will never get round to without the 100 Day Goal, because I’m so busy, or
2. Needs a big consistent focus which I’m unlikely to do without the 100 Day Goal because it’s hard or unpleasant (Like most of us, I avoid hard things!)
Projects I want to do, but will never get round to without the 100 Day Goal, because I’m so busy
I don’t use the 100 Day Goal to do stuff that that I’ll do anyway. I don’t need to because that stuff will get done. Rather, I save it for the things that I want to do but will never find time to do without the 100 Day Goal because of all the OTHER STUFF that I have to do!… read more