If you’re serious about your 100 Day Goal, then you really should use a 100 Day Goal Journal, or, as I like to call it, a “Goal-Keeper”, because it makes the process so much easier. [You can see the contents of a 100 Day Goal Journal at the bottom of this post] Inside your subconscious
Phone Free Fifty
I’m trying an experiment. Phone-Free-Fifty. I’m a bit addicted to my phone and notice that I reach for it a LOT when I’m trying to do deep work (the work that’s hard and requires focus and concentration). Setting Phone-Free-Fifty up is easy. I just set my timer for 50 minutes and hide my phone in
The Pencil
(Before this post, it’s best to read the 100 Day Goal How to Guide ) Here’s an idea which I think will help you work out what your Microactions are. Remember, Microactions are the small (very small) tasks you do which lead you to your goal. Sometimes it feels a bit debatable whether something is a