Creating versus Processing, holidays, headspace and kids

My children went back to school yesterday. It’s lovely having them around but even though they are older now (16,15,13 and 7) I still don’t find it easy to work when they are all at home. I can manage ‘process’ stuff (answering email, updating presentations, doing the accounts) but I can’t do anything creative at

Not enough time is not all bad

This week’s been crazy busy, some unexpected things popped up which meant that everything else needed to get squeezed into a smaller time pot. Everything got done though, and while I’m kinda amazed that it did, in my heart I know it always does. This from Leo Babauta, explains why: “when a container is unlimited,

What would your best self do?

I listened to the most unlikely podcast the other day: The Jesuit Guide to (almost) everything on the Art of Manliness. I’m not a man and not religious so how I stumbled on it I’ll never know, but I’m so glad I did. It wasn’t at all religious (or manly), just good advice for life.